This potato box is a unique design of Thrive and Grow Gardens. Made from redwood, our standard size is 3' long, 2' wide and 22" tall with custom sizes available.
Panels on the east and south sides are removable with star knobs. To use, begin by detaching boards and planting potato transplants at the bottom level. As the vines grow, gradually reattach boards and cover the vines with soil. Eventually the vines will be pouring over the top edges of the box and all along the vines throughout the box potatoes will grow.
Harvesting is easy! Just remove the side boards and pull out your harvest. WHAT'S NEAT is that one potato box is able to produce upwards of 40 pounds of potatoes every batch! In one year, a box can produce one crop of sweet potatoes and two crops of cool season potatoes.
36" l x 24" w x 22" h

Optional Frame + Shade Cloth
Custom Size!