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An annual planting calendar for 45 crop varieties, with Tucson's climate in mind.
How to test your soil to determine which fertilizers to use.
Bokashi is an ancient form of compact-composting that relies on bacteria to 'pickle' food waste, creating a nutrient-rich fertilizer/amendment.
How to build up healthy soil for a lush and productive edible garden.
Information on optimal germination temperatures, expiration dates, and where to buy seeds locally.
Pruning your home tomatoes can lead to more enjoyable harvests, if done correctly. First, we need to know the reasons for tomato pruning.
Looking at the market value of a year's worth of harvests to show you what your edible garden is worth.
How to mix a bio drench to apply to the surface of your soil for a fast-acting nutritional boost.
How much water do you really need? When is the best time to water your vegetables? How do you check soil moisture?
straight from the garden!